Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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The Buerg Utilities are NOT public domain; they are copyrighted work and
may be distributed only pursuant to this license. Businesses,
corporations, governments, and institutions must obtain a license for their
use. Buerg Utilities are "user-supported" programs for personal use only.
Permission is hereby granted to reproduce and disseminate the Buerg
Utilities so long as:
(1) No remuneration of any kind is received in exchange; and
(2) Distribution is without ANY modification to the contents of all
accompanying documentation and/or support files, including the
copyright notice and this license.
No copy of the Buerg Utilities may be distributed without including a copy
of this license. Any other use, including bundling of any of the Buerg
Utilities for your own distribution, is prohibited without express, written
permission in advance from:
Vernon D. Buerg
139 White Oak Circle
Petaluma, CA 94952
Compuserve: 70007,1212
Data/BBS: (707) 778-8944,
-or- (707) 778-8841, 24-hour bulletin board systems
FAX: (707) 778-8728
Voice: (707) 778-1811, orders only
The registered version of LIST Plus is $37 plus appropriate postage. You
receive a disk with the latest version, notification of updates, and a
printed manual.
The commercial (retail) program LIST Enhanced is $99 plus shipping and
may NOT be copied or distributed.
Copies of the "Buerg Utilites" disk set for personal use may be obtained
on 5.25"/1.2mb or 3.5"/1.44mb diskettes for $60 plus shipping.
The above products may be ordered by sending check, money or credit card
information with the "Mailer" included with this file to:
Buerg Software
139 White Oak Circle
Petaluma, CA 94952
or you may order with a credit card by phone at (707) 778-1811 from
10 am to 7 pm Pacific time, Monday through Friday.
Please send me the following:
____ LIST Plus, Version 7, registration .................. x $37 ea. _______
(disk, manual, notification of major updates)
(S/H each: U.S. = $3 Canada = $3 Other = $5)
____ LIST Enhanced, Version 1.8, commercial package ...... x $99 ea. _______
(dual media, 160-page manual in slipcase, quick
reference card)
(S/H each: U.S. = $6 Canada = $12 Other = $24)
____ Complete Buerg Utilities ............................ x $60 ea. _______
(incl registered LIST Plus, 1.2mb/1.44mb disks only)
(S/H each: U.S. = $3 Canada = $3 Other = $5) Shipping _______
California sales tax, 7.50% _______
Total _______
Choose one: ____ 5.25", 360K ____ 3.5" disk, 720K
____ 5.25", 1.2M ____ 3.5" disk, 1.44M
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________
City: ______________________________________ State ________ Zip ___________
( ) Check or Money Order payable to Buerg Software in U.S. funds.
( ) VISA ( ) Master Card ( ) Discover
Card Number ______________________________________________Exp date ________
Signature _________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------[fold back here]-------------------------------
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Vernon D. Buerg
139 White Oak Circle
Petaluma, CA
The Buerg Utilities Page 1
Copyright (c) Vernon D. Buerg 1992
Program Vers. Date Description
------- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------
DELDUPE 2.3 3-01-89 Delete duplicate file between subdirectories
DRLIST J 9-17-89 Special version of LIST for use with CTTY/ANSI
FBR 1.82 7-04-92 File backup/restore utilities.
Alternative to BACKUP and RESTORE commands
LDIR 4.4 3-25-91 Display directories in selected file order.
Alternative to the DIR command
LIST 7.6b 8-14-91 Full screen viewing of files, see LIST.DOC
Alternative to the TYPE and MORE commands.
LISTOPT 1.11 5-12-91 LIST customization program for registered users.
QDR 4.0c 7-11-91 Quick Diskette Reformatter deletes all files.
Clean off a disk for re-use.
SORTF 2.37 9-20-91 Fast file sorter handles large files.
Alternative to the SORT filter.
SQPC 1.31 3-02-86 Fast file squeezer. Creates a compressed copy
of a file to save disk space.
SWAPNAME 1.2 2-20-86 Switch names of two files, like CONFIG.xxx
TABS 2.1 10-14-86 Replace spaces with TABs and vice versa, in
ASCII text files.
Archiving utilities:
ARCA 1.29 12-09-87 Create or add files to an ARC archive file
ARCE 4.1a 4-12-92 Extract files from an ARC archive file
ARCF 1.10 3-10-92 Find text strings inside ARC files
ARCV 1.22 4-13-91 Display a list of files in an ARC archive
DUH 1.5 5-02-89 Delete files that already exist in archive files
FV 1.40 3-10-92 Display directories of archive files including
ARC, PAK, ZIP, LZH and self extracting files
LARC 2.6 5-23-90 Create the Littlest ARChive file, w/BAS
LU-UTILS 1.x Various LBR library file utilities
QBARCV 1.10 Quick Basic subroutine to display ARC directory
XONE 2.30 10-13-87 Make an ARC file from one or more ARC files
ZIPV 1.08 4-19-89 Display ZIP file directories, w/ASM
BASIC programming aids:
CCIT 1.0 9-22-86 QB subroutine to calculate CCIT CRC for XMODEM
includes assembler source
FC 1.2 8-18-85 Produce .MRG file of differences for BASIC files
QBX 4.00g 10-09-88 Quick Basic program lister, label/symbol
cross referencer
RB 1.58 8-20-85 Convert token BASIC file to ASCII file
SQUISH 3.3 8-20-85 Compress and unnumber BASIC source programs
Communications utilities:
ATO69A 6.9a 9-07-92 Automates access to CompuServe forums
ATOBRO 3.0 9-09-92 Browse CIS file libraries offline
ATODOC 6.9a 9-07-92 Documentation for AUTOSIG
CISMSG 2.7 12-21-88 Sort a file of captured CIS messages
The Buerg Utilities Page 1
Copyright (c) Vernon D. Buerg 1992
Program Vers. Date Description
------- ---- -------- ------------------------------------------------
PC Board utilities:
BBSEXTRA 2.0 9-18-91 Determine missing and extra DIR files
DIRAGE 2.6 1-15-90 Determine age of files for purging
DIRSRT 1.4 8-10-92 Sort a PCBoard DIRectory file
P2PDLTXT 1.1 8-09-88 Create DOWNLOAD.TXT file from PCB CALLERS file
PCBCS 1.43 9-15-91 Analyzes and reports usage from PCB CALLERS file
SORTDL 1.1 8-09-88 Sort PCB DOWNLOAD.TXT files
Printer utilities:
LJBOOK 3.5 4-25-91 Print text file on HP LaserJet in booklet form
LP-HP 1.8 11-23-88 Print files to HP LaserJet with headings, etc
E2O 1.0 5-14-86 Convert Epson print files to Oki files, w/ASM
LP-OKI 1.6 8-16-85 Print files on Okidata ML92, includes ASM
OKI 1.2 7-11-84 Okidata ML92 printer setup, includes ASM
Amateur Radio:
SSLOG 1.1 11-19-87 Edit, dupe, score and print ARRL Sweepstakes
logs, includes BASIC source
CQWW 1.06 11-19-87 Edit, dupe, score and print CQ WW DX logs,
includes BASIC source
ORBIT13A 1.3a 3/24/90 Oscar 13 orbit predictor program, w/BAS
AUTODATE 1.1 4-28-84 Simplifies setting date/time without clock, w/ASM
COLORS 1.0 6-24-85 Experimental program to change DOS colors, w/ASM
JLH 1.07 8-01-86 JET's Little Helper (for Tall Tree's JET utility)
LIST569C 5.69c 1-24-87 Old version of LIST is smaller and simpler
LISTOS2 6.2a 4-23-88 Special version 6.2a of LIST for use with OS/2
LISTOSII 7.5i 6-02-91 Special version of LIST Plus v7.5 for OS/2 for
licensed users only